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OblivionWalker last won the day on September 26

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About OblivionWalker

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  • Player
    Slava Kovalenko
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  • NHL Team
    Seattle Kraken
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, playing music.

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  1. On ice he sang to me, To practice he came. That voice which calls to me, critiques my game. And do I dream again? For now I find The Phantom of the VHL is there... Inside my mind.
  2. to: rharrington@gmail.ca from: skovalenko@gmail.ca Hey Rivushka, it's me. I hope this finds you well, you're probably out on the ice or at practice with the others. Just wanted to call and let you know that I'm thinking about you. I had a team contact me today about the draft, which means that it's really happening and as we well know, I'm going to be freaking out about it until I'm actually drafted, and it's all said and done. I hope that maybe you and I can be on the same team for a change but if we don't, you're going to be great. I'm rambling, I know but if I don't get all of this out, it's just going to sit in my brain and fester there. Baba and Dido wanted me to tell you hello and good luck for the tournament. I'm pretty sure you're baba's favorite person now, not me, which is rude, but I'll accept an apology in the form of a kiss the next time I see you. I think when we play each other next, my family is planning to come. I apologize now for my sisters; they will embarrass the both of us. I love you always, Slava (word count: 202)
  3. 1. I'm pretty good! Looking forward to the draft. 2. Hopefully continue to be a presence on the blue line as well as the score sheet. 3. A lot of the Beatles, and also starting to write a lot of things as well. Q1. What's the best movie/show you've seen lately? Q2. What NHL team are you rooting for this season? Q3. What band or singer drives you nuts?
  4. After surveying the hurricane that appeared to have hurtled around inside his room, Slava Kovalenko looked at the very neat duffel bag he had just packed which was very much at odds with his current surroundings. It was going to be a very busy off-season for him, with competing in not only the Junior Showcase Tournament for the second time but this would also be his first time partaking in the Pro-Am Tournament as well, but he figured it was a good way to play with different people and see what skills and tricks he could learn from others before his second full season in the VHLM started. Of course, there was the neon pink elephant in the room of the draft coming up and Slava heaved a soundless sigh. He had no idea how that was going to pan out for him, what teams could potentially be looking at him or not. He had kept his head down, nose to the grindstone this last season in Mississauga and really hadn't been paying much attention to which VHL teams might be in the market for a defenseman after this season. But having come out of his first complete season (since he'd been a waiver pick up and only played 12 games in Ottawa before season 94 had ended) as the VHLM leader in defenseman points. Slava liked to think that he would at least warrant a look from teams. He had been somewhat terrified for the M draft since he hadn't had very good luck with things like that in the past and a surprising number of teams had reached out him, interested in drafting him. He hoped that things would go that way with the VHL draft as well and his track record so far would be able to say good things about him. Making sure that his equipment bag contained everything he was going to want for an extended excursion away from home, Slava carried the two bags over by the front door. His ride was going to be here soon, and he wanted to leave so he could get settled in, maybe say hello to some of the other people he was playing with for the Junior Showcase Tournament. He checked his phone and noted that the general manage had sent the roster to the group chat and he checked it. Slava was both surprised as well as quite pleased to see that three of his Mississauga teammates were on his team for the tournament. It would be good to play with Albin, Jay and Ron again and of course, as he'd played with Brandon Petan Jr. last year on the Rush team that had won, Slava would be glad to see Brandon again as well. It felt like he was at least starting to settle into things a little bit more now. A notification popped up on his phone that his driver was almost there, and Slava got his bags slung over each shoulder before locking up behind himself. It was going to be a very busy off-season, but he was looking toward to it. (word count: 519)
  5. 1. We're down in our series. No matter how it goes, was this season a success. I would agree with that. We still worked hard and got pretty far so I think we have a lot to build upon. 2. How do you feel about the end of the VHLE? I don't know how to feel about it, honestly. I was looking forward to moving up, but it also makes sense not to have it and I also get to stay here for another season, which I really like! 3. Will your plan for you player change now that the E is gone? Nope. Still going to be grinding and getting that max earning. 4. Which VHL team is best set up for the future? Really hard to say at this point honestly. 5. Which stadium seats are worse, behind someone who's really tall, or way back in the highest seats? Behind someone tall. As a short person, I can attest that it's the worst. 6. What's the best pump up music? Depends on my mood, but if I need to get something done quickly, I usually throw on some Symphonic Metal, like Nightwish, Epica or Avantasia.
  6. Season didn't quite end how we wanted but we've got a good base for next season. It was always interesting facing you, Philly. Good luck moving forward.

  7. 1. Kinda sad that i really didn’t get to experience it as a player but i was the AGM for the Oslo Storm and that’ll have to do! 2. Work hard and get better. 3. By lurking in dark corners and being a max earner. 4. It isn’t but maybe I’m just a genius. 5. Sounds like -you- might be paranoid, pal. 6. Well doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is supposedly the definition of the sanity so I don’t know what to tell you.
  8. Thank you! As @kirbithan can attest, I can always think of something to write about.
  9. It's hard to know where to begin sometimes when things change on a dime. But I wanted to take a moment to say a few words to some people that I didn't have nearly enough time with. To everyone on the Oslo Storm, it was an honor to be the assistant gm this season. Seeing your comradery in the locker room when things weren't going well, or when we were on a winning streak was inspiring to behold. I'm glad that I got to be a fly on the wall and absorb some of that energy and passion for the game. To Mikko, thank you for taking a chance on me as a completely green person to the world of the VHLE and managing a team entirely. Watching you work, how you weighed and considered and did your absolute best to draw everything you could from the team felt like seeing a chess master surveying the board to see what the next move would be. I know whatever you move on to after this, you'll be a success at it. I don't know what the future holds for me, but I'll be rooting for every one of you, wherever you end up going. -Olivia (word count: 204)
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