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Posts posted by BagelBites

  1. DuJuan Cook was recently drafted by the Oslo Storm in the VHLM Dispersal Draft. “I’m thrilled to be playing in Oslo. So far everyone has been incredibly welcoming. I’m still very new to all of this, and am still grasping what the life of a VHL player takes. Ever since the Storm drafted me, they have always had their doors open to me to ask questions or to receive any type of assistance I needed. It’s been great so far,” Cook said.


    Cook has been steadily improving since he arrived in Oslo, and he continues to impress scouts and fans alike. “I’m just going out there every day and doing the best I can in practice. When I got into town for my first practice, I felt like I was so far behind everyone else. I have been putting in a ton of extra effort in order to catch up to everyone else. I am finally starting to feel like I am on the same page as the rest of the team. I’m excited to see how much my game has developed when we step out on the ice for the first game of the VHLM season,” he said.



    Words: 199


  2. DuJuan Cook Suffers Amnesia



    DuJuan Cook had just decided to join the VHL. A few days later, he was drafted by the Oslo Storm, and his career seemed like it would be off to a fantastic start. DuJuan had been steadily improving his attributes, and it looked like he could even make an impact for Oslo in the upcoming season. “DuJuan has looked pretty good out there,” the Storm general manager said, “He is skating well and can put the puck in the net. That is what we have been looking for from him. We expect Cook to get some significant playing time and to be a crucial part to the success of this team.”


    However, just a few days later, tragedy struck. DuJuan Cook woke up and could not remember anything that had happened over the last two weeks. “I woke up and saw an Oslo Storm jersey and I thought to myself, what is the Oslo Storm? When did I go to Norway?,” said Cook. “I could not remember anything about the VHLM draft, any of my teammates or any of the plays we had been practicing,” he said. DuJuan finally showed up to the team facilities after numerous calls by the Storm GM Doomsday. “DuJuan walked in with confusion in his eyes. He did not know who I was, and he did not recognize any of his teammates. At first I thought he was joking, but he could not remember anything he had improved over the last week or so. He could not skate as well, and he was not playing his position correctly, so we decided to have him go talk to the team doctor,” Doomsday said.





    Cook was diagnosed with temporary amnesia. Everything he did over the last two weeks was gone, and it was like he had to start all over again. What looked like a scene from the Adam Sandler movie “Fifty First Dates”, the Storm re-did everything that happened over the last two weeks. “We had a fake draft party where we called DuJuan and told him that we selected him in the draft. He was estatic,” the team front office said. “After that, we had a team meeting where DuJuan and the other rookies got to meet everyone, even though we did that two weeks ago. Everyone else was playing along, but DuJuan thought it was real. It was a very odd experience,” Doomsday said.


    Cook is expected to make a full recovery, and has already been working out with the team. “I feel pretty good,” DuJuan said, “I am skating pretty well out there. I’m starting to get a connection with some of my teammates, and I think we are really starting to groove out there,” Cook said. If Cook can stay healthy both physically and mentally, he should steadily improve and could be a very huge asset for Oslo in this season and in the future. It is obvious that Oslo has put a ton of value and stock into DuJuan Cook, as they are taking things very slowly with him and his progression. We expect Cook to be ready for the season opener, but cannot be positive.



    Words: 529

    Pics: 2

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