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From 'America's Finest' to 'The Beaches of Miami'


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Way back when, San Diego was merely a thought in the minds of the league staff until it came to fruition. I was selected as the first ever GM for the San Diego Marlins in a market that could've gone 50/50. And while people hated on the logo... a lot, the team itself has a lot of rich history. San Diego made many great players, both current and already retired, and I had one of the best experiences ever being GM there. I met not only so many returnees that made the experience amazing, but a TON of first generation players that have now become staples in the league, some of them moving on to either become a GM themselves, or even make hall of fame players like my boy @Tate. One thing however always loomed over me, and that was my burning desire and passion to be a VHL GM, and so after 10 seasons, I had thought my time was here, failed attempts prior and a lot of personal development lead me to tell myself the time was now, or potentially never if I wasn't seen fit to GM at that time. 


Unfortunately I put all my eggs in one basket, stepped down from the team I had built from the ground up, and I did regret it after being rejected for 3 new GM positions. So I decided to say 'to hell with it', I missed GMing and so I decided to re-apply for the VHLM. Now I am in Miami and having a blast. It's got a new set of challenges, a new team around me, a new atmosphere, and I have loved every single moment of it thus far. I will still dream of being a VHL GM one day, hopefully they will see me as worthy when it is truly my time to shine, but until then, the VHLM remains my home, and I'm okay with that ❤️ 


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