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So the offseason was an interesting one for Riga. Let's see what happened.


- General Zod rights for the third round. Pretty nice, I didn't have to put 4 picks for rights. We were chatting about possibility for him to sign with his for few days. On Friday he decided to sign a 1 season contract with us. A big win for us.

- Trade for James Rose as well. I was searching for a scoring defenseman and was gunning for a couple of them. Letang went for a pretty heavy amount to DC and some picks + a S74 def was a better deal than my first for Spence. Though I didn't want to drag this for too long so I set for Rose. Didn't put a lots of assets either. Nice.


- Was messaging Fong (Jungkok), but it appeared that I was too late. He said he signed with NA team so I assume that was LA. I didn't know Chicago had a cap space for him. Though they may have went too extra on these high TPE players, but ok.

- Was messaging Blade (Venus Thightrap). We were chatting for a couple of days so it was nice. Thought she decided to join Seattle, but their hype squad was no match against her positive relationships with Jubo. Helsinki wins this round. Poor Muff lmao.

- Was messaging Enorama (Ryan Schwarz)...more like I was wondering what is he planning to do. I guess he already decided by that moment where he wants to go. Back to Putinland. Maybe he will be traded in mid season to DC or something.


- Drafted Jan Hlozek with my 8th OV. BIG HYPE. First gens going strong. Almost of our team consists of first gens by the way, outside of General Zod and Matt Sovick. I think Gorlab would've had fun describing how bust this team is.

- Drafted Jere Suominen with my 39th OV. Searching for steals. Maybe he will be the one.

- Drafted Kuba Fleury with my 54th OV. I mean he is doing 6 TPE point tasks. He's a goalie? So what? Gotta take all of them actives.


- Was trying to make another trade for a decent forward, but no cap space. Well, 2.25M left, so maybe mid season? Who knows. For now our roster is likely set.



Well, that was Riga's offeason. Here's to another week of that, but I think all of that deals hype is over. I did my job and now onto the bigger things! Glad to be back in business after one season of hiatus.



P.S. Seeing other teams stuff:


- Prague is just hungry as hell for them forwards. LeFlammant, now Strong Jr. By the way NY is so sad even a semi active doesn't wants to play there. Total disaster. Well, maybe Tate can get them out of this darkness.

- So what is DC even doing? They really thought bringing Letang gonna automatically sway these free agents to this team? Well, only Jeffie signed so far. And now their forward depth is a big mess. Good top, shambolics at the depth. The FA isn't over, but they already missed the bigger ones so they'll have to cater to these 300-400 TPE inactive ones which won't help their cause anyways. I guess trades are coming in later?

- Is it the season LA is making the playoffs? Nice chances with a premier defenseman and decent forwards.

- I already mentioned Warsaw...oof. Having to put 4 picks just to keep Dear and Glass and still not getting Blade. bruh.

- Vancouver is a weird team now. Beaviss lost any interest I guess and it's now Bayley who does all of that stuff for them. The team is stagnated as hell now with a 400 TPE goalie as a starter.

- London wasn't happy to lose the playoff race to Riga last season so they went with Lahtinen. Bold statement, let's see how is this gonna work for them.

- Toronto is still unattractive to free agents. Well, still some positives, like RJ deciding to stick out in this team for his rookie contract time at least. And bringing Upton so Green went to center. Maybe this will make Legion something more interesting in the eyes of public.



Ok that's enough for today.

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Review: Good write up hedge. It was nice to read about Rigas off-season in trades and drafts so far. Enjoyed the finishing part on each teams off-season. Hopefully we can both make noise in Riga and Toronto this season.


pretty bland appearance, but otherwise good read.  8.5/10

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