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Update on the 1st Overall Tourney

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With the update on the 2nd match, it sure seems like Ansgar Snijider will be moving on to the 2nd round while Jack Sound will be dropping down into the losers bracket. The final vote count was Ansgar Snijider 16, Jack Sound 5. The fact Sound didn't pick up a lil bit more i odd to me. I mean he won a Continental Cup, Founders Cup, Super Cup AND a Season 34 Olympic Gold Medal. He's part of a group called the Quadruple Crown. That is a group of only 2 players. I feel Jack Sound deserved maybe a little bit more respect than 5 votes. But however, we will be moving on. Match 3 will consist of Season 14 1st Overall Draft Pick Malcolm Kelly vs Season 21 1st Overall Draft Pick Andreas Bjorkman. A media spot will be up within the week so dont forget to vote afterwards!

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