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Effort: 2/2 - Yep

Look: 2.75/3 - This is really nice, but I have two complaints.  1.  The right side is a little too plain for my liking and 2.  the sig is a bit too monochromatic.  I would have liked to see a few pops of colour.  That said, the blending and stockwork are awesome, and the render effects are really nice.

Creativity: 1/1 - Yep


Total: 5.75/6

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Effort: 2/2 - You really did something different here and I like it. Well executed.

Look: 2.75/3 - I personally like the monochrome, and the stock work and texture is really well done on this sig. However, I have to agree that the right side feels a bit empty. Maybe make the text bigger and/or move the render to the right? The lighting on the face and right arm also seems a bit strong.

Creativity: 1/1

Total: 5.75/6

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