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Nice progress! The effect is neat and adds some flair to the text. Keep working on your logo swaps, they still look very flat and not quite rounded the way a player facing not-directly-at-the-camera is rounded. Wheeler's needs the most work: it's not at the same position as chum beside him (note the spacing between logo and C vs logo and A), the blurring/erasing of the head dress makes it look cut off instead of just hidden from view. Keep going though, practice makes perfect! 5/10.

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  • Head Moderator

Nice work! I like the idea behind the text. I think a different color might of been better suited for that specific effect/font but I do love the font and how it looks.. The logo swaps need some work as they don't look natural on the jersey. Wheelers specifically I feel like should be moved down more to line up with where the other players crest are. I can definitely get behind the idea and see the effort put in. Keep practicing and you'll continue to get better. 5/10.

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Not bad, Logo swap could be a bit better but way better than what I could do. Other than that could have the text a touch larger but good work overall 8/10.

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This Graphic is perfect just because you used the Jets. But the Titans colours fit well with it so that's good. I like the fuzzy affect you used over it too. I don't see anything wrong with this graphic I like it. 10/10

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