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Six losses straight in the Six...


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Frustrations are mounting in Toronto as the Legion find themselves dealing with a six-game losing streak


TORONTO, ON — With a game against the defending champions, the Toronto Legion were looking to break a skid and show the VHL that they are a team that will be able to compete with the best. Unfortunately, the team did not see things go their way and suffered their sixth loss in a row to the Bears. 


The chemistry between Isabella Campbell and Venus Thightrap was on display the entire game as one of these two players were involved in each goal for the game. Within the first 10 minutes of the game, the Bears were sitting with a two goal lead thanks to two tallies from Campbell.


Toronto used this game as an opportunity to get a backup start completed and would pay for it as Seattle only needed five shots to get their first two goals of the game. Following that, Klamasteris would enter the game and need to face 45 further shots through the game. Seattle controlled the play getting many more opportunities than Toronto’s 30 shots.  


“We knew it was going to be a challenge for us,” said winger Phoenix Dawson. “We were letting them get too many quality chances and left our goalie out there to dry. If we want to show everyone that we are a top team in the league then we are going to have to figure out a way to start winning some games.”


It was clear that frustrations were at a peak for certain players as well. Jolly Greene Giant found himself in the box on five different occasions through the game with one double minor and four other penalties. In total, Toronto spent 18 minutes of the game in the penalty box and it was very apparent that this team has some unsolved business with the Bears. 


While the team struggled in the box, they were able to take advantage of their own powerplay late in the third period but it was too late to catch up to the Bears offense. Toronto also saw the strong play of SS Hornet continue.


“We know we have to get out of the slump,” said Dawson. “We have a team full of talented players that just can’t get things going right now. Eventually we are going to heat up again and we are going to do everything we can to avoid another slump like this.” 


With the now six losses, Toronto has not played like the better team. Seeing significant blowouts like a 8-1 loss is clearly taking its toll on the team and the fan base. If Toronto wants to improve, changes are going to need to happen. Keep an eye on Toronto as management looks at possible trades that may see the team bring in more talent or decide to go in another direction and sell some talent with contracts set to be renewed at the end of the season. 

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Solid look at a clearly struggling team that has a road ahead of itself before it can really be a serious contender. However hopefully you guys can eventually turn things around and grow together.


Id like to see abit more flair an pictures but overall a solid job done



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