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VHLE pros and cons / Why Rögle should get their own VHLE team


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With the VHLE becoming a thing in S80 there will of course be stuff that people will like and not like about it, that's why I am going to list the pros and cons of it becoming a thing, I am also going to list things that I  look forward too which you should too!  I am also going to inform you people why Rögle should get their own VHLE team 



I could list many pros about a new league becoming a thing but my time is limited so I will only name the biggest 


-main reason why this league was created


The main reason this league was created was because that players who just joined the VHL are struggling to get points among the other top scores in the league which would make them feel less motivated to earn tpe and overall be active.  I currently have 382 tpa which just slightly puts me over that category but I am still sitting at 10 points in 50 games, I feel less motivated to earn tpe because of this but I still try my hardest.  This part of my career is definitely the hardest part yet, even harder than  starting out and not knowing anything along with getting 0 points.  After earning 200+ tpe you are thinking that your hard work is paying off in a small caliber, in the VHLM you're a god at 200 tpe but as soon as you enter the VHL you are nothing more than a small piece of dust particle among ginormus pieces of dust.  That's why they will implement this league to not not make it boring for the players that are gods in the VHLM but small dust particles in the VHL.




With a new league there will of course be needed more jobs like the biggest one, sim god.  Both the VHL and the VHLM has their own sim god, Devise for VHLM and Beketov for the VHL.  These are the most important jobs in the league as without them we could not have both leagues running.  The sim gods earn a whopping 8 tpe there will of course be a huge application on who is going to get that job and tpe, with 8 tpe you wouldn't have to write a media spot along with not having to write reviews to get that tpe which is insane.




With a whole new league being implemented there will with no doubt 100% be more teams that will need GMs and AGMs which opens up more space for people to start their management careers.  Even if they don't get the VHLE management spot there will be tons of open spots in the VHLM they could snatch, I have heard that GMs in the VHLM will have a big chance to become the GM of VHLE teams which give the AGM of those VHLM teams a very good chance at making it to the GM spot which is very exciting for those people.



there are also of course cons with a new league, not many but there are always some but as of writing this iIcan only come up with one.




I did list pros with management but there are also cons with so many new management spots.  Since there will be so many new spots and the successful GMs and AGMs will move to the VHLE the overall management quality in the VHLM will fall, good GMs and AGMs in the VHLM are a huge factor for keeping new people interested in the league, if not a great person kept me interested in the league I would have not been where I am today, it is not stressed enough on why we need good GMs and AGMs in the VHLM and I think that that can make us not keep as many players as we would have wanted to.  


Why Rögle should get their own VHLE team


Rögle or Rögle BK is the team I support with my whole heart and I will list many reasons on why we should just add them to the VHLE 


History is awesome

For people who don't know how Rögle became a top end swedish hockey team (no one should know) with the most interesting history EVER.

In 1921, Rögle Bandyklubb (basically ice hockey club) was founded, Rögle was just an ordinary village south of the small city Ängleholm. 

The club was founded because they had a small little lake where they used to play hockey for the fun of it, the club was just a regular club with zero thoughts of trying to rise in the divisions.

That remained for a whole 42 years until Gösta Carlsson came along, he was a person who was very bee interested and had loved bees since he was 6.

The 18th of may 1946 he said that he saw and communicated with an ufo,  Yes a ufo.  From this meeting with them he was given a recipe which was used to make pollen pills which were used on people with harsh pollen allergies.   

This became very big within Sweden as pollen allergies are normal here considering all of our nature that we have.  Now you might be wondering, what does this have to do with Rögle?

With his multimillion kron (swedish currency) fortune he invested a ton of that money into Rögles small hockey club and brought in a ton of very good players along with building them a stadium (Vegeholms isstadion).  In the middle of the 1960s Rögle BK officially made it to the top league in Sweden with this investment.  Now un Rögle's club he is very well respected and there is also built a monument of a ufo were he supposedly met the ufo in 2003 which was the year the sadly died.


here is the monument in Ängleholm


Rivalries go brrrrrr

If Rögle would were to get VHLE team the rivalries would be as intense as they could get.  Just imagine yourself Stockholm, Västerås and Rögle in the same conference.  

3 Swedish teams battling it out to see who ends up at the top.  chants threw at each other, enforcers made to mess the other teams up and straight up ferocious friendly conflicts.

Any rivalry between teams are always fun, but 3 in the same country and in the same conference will surely spice things up in the stands and between the players to create hideous results from one team and fantastic for the other, memes would also be made about the losing team along with arguments that could last for hours on who is the better team.  

So to sum it up: If Rögle would were to be included in the VHLE the rivalries would be even more intense on who is going to rule the beautiful land of Sweden. 



Rögle would be a great addition to the VHLE because of its amazing history and the Rivalries that would come with it.



Claiming week 13/6 and 20/6 1,184 amount of words. ps. I wrote this in a hurry don't be mad


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