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From Marlin to Titan


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The off-season between VHLM and VHL seasons is not a quiet period for all players, and Damien Salducci should know. The budding defenseman for the Helsinki Titans finds himself keeping his skills and skates sharpened for an appearance at the World Juniors, his first ever. More over his play time had more than doubled in his now-complete second season in the VHLM, begging the question of where he finds the energy to play literally every month. We spent some time with Damien in-between his preliminary World Junior games.


78 (SDM) 72 11 60 71 29 124 80 178 75 3 6 0
77 (MIA) 72 1 17 18 16 20 30 33 28 0 0 0
Totals 144 12 77 89 45 144 110 211 103 3 6 0


 How have you wrapped your head around your team coming up short in the playoffs with a second round exist but a large personal achievement in your point totals versus last year?

Yea I’d trade all of my points for a cup. It might even be harder knowing how much was taken from us because I got to feel last year how amazing it is to win the cup. Still I am immensely proud of the Marlins, and have nothing but great memories of my year in San Diego. It is a world class franchise.


You were just shy of a point-per-game total, what changed in your game versus last year?

I’d say it was two things; being trusted to eat up more minutes, get lots of time in even strength and power play settings. You just can’t learn unless you’re in those scenarios, making mistakes and learning from them. The other thing was that my own self-confidence grew. I became a lot more confident in my skin between the season and playoffs in S77, and especially between S77 and S88. I learned to trust my instincts more, which I did less of in my rookie year [laughs].


Do you expect the same offensive output of yourself in your rookie VHL season?

I’d be silly to expect anything specific, I think. I mean obviously I want to be a big contributor, but I learned last year that everyone has a different runway to adapt to their new environment. This is like the pinnacle of hockey and I’ve barely even had a sniff of the talent there, but I know it's insane. Training camp is going to be a wild time for me, no doubt.


I believe before S78 you said were hoping to be a two-way or offensive defenseman. Do you think you’ll continue with your strong passing game or would you also like to fit more shooting into your skills?

Well I am learning that shooting might not be my main skill [laughs], unless we’re talking about setting up tip-ins. I thought that my slapshot would improve, and while it’s better than a year ago I am not sure I am going to be blasting too top shelf beauties from the point. I try not to put myself down too much but it’s important to be realistic! Who knows maybe it becomes easier as I get older. I am also open-minded about whatever role my team wants me to have.


What does it mean to represent Europe in the World Juniors?

A total honour. You hope it happens but you keep your expectations smart and humble, you know?



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Loved this article, we get to learn more about your player and his transition from the M to the big league as well as playing in the World Juniors. I liked how you provided his stats in the M showcasing what your player did well. Interview style was great. I really see no negatives about this article. I would just add a picture to give it more authenticity. 9.5/10! Well done!

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Review: Really loved this interview! The inclusion of stats really helped enhance the interview, and the style is very reminiscent of real magazine interviews. Grammar is great as well, fantastic job!

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