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Lemiuex on Menace/his season


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It was a tough end to the season for us especially since we went up 3-0 on Calgary in the last game of the season, but then ended up losing 5-4 as they scored two third period goals to win the game.  We lost a lot of games not only by one goal this season but also in the third period, so that is definitely something as a team that we will have to work on during the offseason and coming into next season.   We will be more mature as a group and the consistency level should be better among our younger players to ensure we start winning games like that which should help propel us toward the playoffs next season.


I was glad to hit my goal of 50 points on the season and over 20 goals, but I was really expecting closer to 60 or more points on the season so it was a disappointed from that standpoint.  I have to work on getting my shooting percentage up cause the shots are there no doubt, I just need to do a better job on hitting the back of the net.  Will also continue to work on my skating and puck handling during the off season too and will not lose focus on playing solid two way hockey either.

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