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Feelin’ Blue and not in a good vibes, 90s song kind of way!


If you have been here for longer than a few seasons you might be familiar with the mid career blues, they can be defined by less than optimal performance but lets be honest  even users with the best players in the vhl can get hit with the general blah that is mid career. I looked at Venus’ over all today and I can honestly say I could  not believe how consistent my little beauty has been. I also could not fight off the inevitable “ so what” that came after, if you’re not on the leaderboard or lets be honest if you’re not the top of that leaderboard then you have no hope of a hall of fame career. Sure we are all here to have fun but I think most of us will agree that we didn’t come here to lose. I haven’t had much team success or personal success since joining and at best the VHL has been a very mixed bag for me. Which brings me back to that ‘so what’  with the effort we put in we expect to see it pay off in some shape or form but the truth is that second fiddle is the most some of us will ever obtain, so is it worth even caring or trying? Everyone has their own personal  response to this question but for me it has been becoming less and less worth it over time and  it literally hit me today. I either just want to quit overall or am just extremely underwhelmed with Thightrap’s career and tbh both those don’t bode well for the future. 

Edited by BladeMaiden
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