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A Story of two Brothers // Game Review in the 'Swiss Central Gazette' Brigade-Warriors

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazette


Last time we reported about our intrepid heroes Marcel and Daniel Janser, their team had a 1-1 record against the Royals.


We heard from a reliable and well informed source that the two brothers had a one-on-one talk in the locker room immediately after the final whistle of the second game. According to such unnamed insider, the talk, despite being held behind locked doors, was neither secretive nor composed.


The team, who could not understand was being said on account of the brothers arguing in their native Swiss-German, feared that it would come to blows.


However, ten minutes later Marcel and Daniel came back to the team with a smile on their faces.


We approached Daniel and asked him what was being said and he stated that this will stay between Marcel and him. He assured us that the matter is settled and that Marcel promised to curb his enthusiasm for pursuing the fine art of pugilism.


In the interim the team has played another two games and the Jansers seem to settle into the team the longer, the better.


Marcel kept his promise and only served 3 minor penalties in the sin bin and was not involved in any further brawls.


As if a further proof was needed, that the relationship between Marcel and Daniel is golden, Daniel scored his first goal for his new team in a powerplay on a pass from his younger sibling. Marcel circled the net and made a blind backhand pass from 'Wayne's office' on Daniel's stick, who only had to tap in after his rush to the slot. Such uncanny understanding of each others mind reminds us of the Sedin twins.


But Dan had had not enough yet. Ten minutes later he scored in PP again, by deflecting Patrick Jansen's shot from the blueline to make the game 3-2. Unfortunately, the Warriors came back in the third period with two unanswered goals and won the game 3-4. The Brigade coach took his time out and pulled the goaltender, but to no avail. Daniel was named 3rd Star of the game.


The Warriors had the better PP this night plus a goalkeeper who thwarted many of Brigade's attempts.


In the second game of the series the Brigade lost again with only one goal difference, this time 4-5.


This time it was Marcel's time to shine. He scored his first goal for the team in the PP to equalize the game 4-4. He took a slapshot from the blueline which Daniel skilfully screened, so Ali Des Aves had no chance to see the shot coming, let alone parry it.


Kyosti Karjalainen was on fire and deservedly made the first star this night.


Again Ali Des Aves had the better of Mike Hroch, but the latter's performance was by no means bad.


Marcel is leading his team in penalties, shots blocked and assists. He is also second in time on ice (after fellow defenseman Harry Hagel) as well as scoring (1g/7a) behind Karjalainen (6g/4a). Unfortunately, he is on the tail end with the +/- rating with -9.


His brother has a +2, and has still no penalty minutes to his name.


Marcel appears the more flashy and entertaining player so far, whereas Dan is more consistent and shutting the opposition down with allowed means.


The Brigade is unfortunately at the bottom of the league, but we are confident that with the positive development of our exports, they will rebound and improve their standings.


We will return with more news in due course, stay tuned...




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I like that it is in the style of an actual news article. I liked the content and that it is a follow up to a previous article. Some suggestions would be to link the previous article so that the reader can get reference of the previous story, add a picture to go with the story and to have the sentences less spaced out (incorporate paragraphs). Well done keep up the good work! 8/10

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