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A tale of two Brothers // Choppy sailing

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette


There is no rest for the wicked and that is double the truth if you play icehockey in North America.


The Janser brothers had now two matches against allegedly weaker teams, which unfortunately were lost.


The first match up was against the Reapers. The Hounds started well, scoring the first goal after only 32 seconds after they won the face-off. They installed themselves in their offensive zone and passed the puck along until Bedard found an opening. Daniel and Lospenov delivered the 1st and 2nd assist. Unfortunately that was all of the good news for this and the following period, as the Mississaugans allowed 4 consecutive goals, granting Mikael Mursu a hattrick while doing so. However, they came back on fire for the third period and equalized the game. We do not know what the coach has said during the intermission, but it seemed to have worked. One of the highlights was when Daniel rushed along the boards, pulled towards the goal and faked a shot. The D-man fell for it and dropped to block the shot, when Daniel made a pass to Marcel at the blueline who already had wound up in expectation of his brother's deception. He hammered it home via the crossbar. The Hounds took the game into overtime where neither team was able to score.

As only Lospenov was able to beat the opposing goalkeeper, the shootout was lost.

The three stars were Mursu (3g/0a plus the decisive penalty shot), Bedard (1g/2a) and Daniel Janser (0g/3a)


Marcel had 1g/0a, +1 rating and 27:54 minutes on ice (on par with Hall)

Daniel had 0g/3a, +1 rating and 4 hits (tied first of the team with two others)


Both Swiss natives stayed away from the sin bin.


On the risk of sounding like a broken record, the special teams sucked this night. No goals in three power play attempts and three goals scored against in five penalty kill situations will just not cut it on the long run. If not for the team's weakness in that department, this game would have been absolutely winnable, with a 5vs5 score of 5-2.


The second game, this time against an ailing Wild was also lost with a score of 6-3


Since the Wild scored the 2-1 at 10:27 minutes into the game, they were in the lead for the remainder of the game. Daniel scored the 3-2 with a deflection of Bedard's shot at 16:32 minutes in the first period.

No Hounds player made it into the three stars, which were occupied by Jankowski (2g/1a), Vladovechsenkchushkin (2g/0) and Eklund (0g/3a).


Hounds' power play was inexistent (0/2), while their penalty killing unit was the best in a long time (6/7).


Marcel had 0g/0a, +0, 4 shots blocked (first of his team) and 24:45 minutes played (shared first with Bedard and his brother)

Daniel had 1g/0a, +0 and of course 24:45 minutes TOI.


Again, the brothers did what they could to help the team, by not taking penalties. Unfortunately, this was not enough tonight.


Here the stats so far for our hockey exports:


Marcel: 8gp, 2g, 5a, 7pts, +3, 4 PIM, 5 hits, 17sb

Daniel:  8gp, 5g, 6a, 11pts, +3, 2 PIM, 17 hits, 5sb, 1gwg, 2ppg


We will keep our readers in the loop of the Janser brother's North American adventure. In the interim, please do not miss the below related articles:












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I love following this series and I think more users should be doing something like this. It's great following a career like this and having updates when normally I probably would not have known about the Janser Brothers. Each article gets better every week and you have been taking some review suggestions which I think is great. The link to the previous article is a great addition as it lets new users catch up to what has been happening. The only thing I would add to the article is a picture to help round things out. Well done on this article and the series so far, can't wait for the next one! 9.5/10

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5 hours ago, Greg_Di said:


I love following this series and I think more users should be doing something like this. It's great following a career like this and having updates when normally I probably would not have known about the Janser Brothers. Each article gets better every week and you have been taking some review suggestions which I think is great. The link to the previous article is a great addition as it lets new users catch up to what has been happening. The only thing I would add to the article is a picture to help round things out. Well done on this article and the series so far, can't wait for the next one! 9.5/10


Thanks Greg_Di, your feedback is much appreciated. I have not forgotten about the pictures, and I plan to add some in the future, once my photoediting skills got a bit more developed. I am glad you like the series and so far it has been fun for me to write them.

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