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Theme Week: Daniel Janser's post VHL life

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette


We asked our local VHLM export Daniel Janser what his plans are after his developing player career. Apparently he is already contemplating his future, as he gave us the following reply:


'I will attend sports management courses while still playing on a professional level. One never knows when a career such as mine comes to an end. Bobby Orr is but one example where injuries led to a premature career end. Once I retire from playing hockey, I will buy me an explorer yacht. Something like a Nordhavn 148 and make a 2 year world tour with my brother, sister and the rest of the family. Some of the stops which I already 'bucketlisted' will be Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, the Mediterranean, the Bermudas, Antarctica, Australia, Canada, the US (both coasts each), Hawai'i. I am sure more destinations will come to my mind, there is still plenty of time after all. Once back I would like to be a coach or GM of a smaller team and pass on my experience and encourage young players to pursue their dreams. It would be amazing to contribute to the success of the next generation's player and to see them conquering the VHL. I also have plans to found an academy for kids who do not have the financial means to play hockey and to help them to develop their skating and other skills. Of course marriage and kids are always an option and it will be interesting to see what sports (if any at all) they dip their toes into.

Should I be ever tired of hockey I could still learn how to fix/restore vintage cars, as I like the classic muscle cars (even though it is irresponsible nowadays to drive a fuel guzzler such as these). I also play with the thought of getting a pilot's license as I am fascinated by aviation as well. There is so much to do in the life after hockey. Whatever I end up doing, I want to enjoy myself and only do what I have a passion for and I want to give back to the community and to the people who helped me along my way, such as my parents, my siblings and the coaches who encouraged me.

I want to learn an instrument, preferably E-Guitar and build a house back in Switzerland (maybe converting an old farmstead, so I can keep my family close).

I could also imagine to 'join the dark side' and start a refereeing career. I have the highest respect to the refs as they have to take splitsecond decisions without really participating in the game but still being a crucial part of the game. It is always easy as a spectator to make 'the right' decision with all the different angles and super-slo-mo's on the video cube. But it is not an easy job to make the calls when they happen and being surrounded by 12 ripped, adrenaline fuelled athletes who are not always ok with the your decisions/interpretation of the rulebook. 

In short: I am sure I will not be bored after having retired from playing hockey.'



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On 10/14/2021 at 9:15 AM, fromtheinside said:

nice job! Good read :)


Thanks your feedback is much appreciated. If you like this article, you may like my other contributions in the Media spot as well...

this one is the latest and it contains links of previous/related articles


Edited by Daniel Janser
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