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what I don't like about the VHL


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So I have been here a few days, and just some small things I have noticed. Some pros and cons I guess we can classify them. I want to preface this with, this is just my opinion and in no way me telling you or other members how to behave or act. just my 2 cents. I love this site and i think a few small things could make it perfect. 

Pro: The portal is the best thing I have seen and the best thing about the VHL. The ability to just click buttons to claim my points is super easy to understand after the first 30 minutes of messing around with it. 

Pro:  The discord might be the biggest Asset you have, I would use it more. All the information I gathered was from Discord and the helpful members. This should be the first thing sent to new members the discord link. 

Pro: The game information, i don't know what to call it but the breakdown of the game, i love reading it and as a stats nerd it gets my jollies off. 

Con: The wall of text that is the Getting Started and league rules. I understand the need for them but I think a shorter, more condensed version might work better. Had i not been in the discord it might have been too overwhelming reading all of that and i think i would have left to be honest. 

Con: Controversial, but I was a little scared to mention i was Gay, or my player. Thank you @fishy by the way. I think just a simple message when you join the discord like “this is a safe place and All Inclusive” might just ease some future members. I know being called Dude or him a few times without asking for pronouns was a little off putting (I realize no one meant any ill intent.)

Con: no Mentors.

I think their should be a select group of a few trusted members that when someone joins they go to the person and are essentially there to answer questions and show them around. There is so much history here and cool things it might be a bit overwhelming. Being paired with a member who can show you around and explain things better would help..would have helped me. 

Edited by Horcrux
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