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Tadhg Byrne, Off-season Plans.


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Tadhg Byrne was far from home. San Diego was nothing like Dublin at all, and he knew it. When he had come to San Diego with his girlfriend, Siobhan, he’d known it was going to be difficult to adjust, but nothing prepared him for just how homesick he felt.


That’s why, now that the off-season had rolled around, he was booking tickets to Dublin as soon as possible. No more blistering sun and beaches, only stony pavements and overcast days. Just as Tadhg liked it.


Both Tadhg and Siobhan were excited, neither had been back home since they had come to San Diego several months ago. It had been tough, being so young and so far from home, but the Marlins organisation made sure that the two were comfortable and taken care of at the beginning of their stay in the City in Motion.


Dublin didn’t seem so far once they were in the plane. Tadhg glanced out of the window, down at the clouds that obscured the land below. Despite the air-tight mechanics of the plane, he could smell the Dublin air. Home, he thought. I’m home.


During the first off-season of his VHLM career, Tadhg Byrne found himself spending time with the people he loved and missed most. It was a nice retreat from the hectic, non-stop lifestyle many people who lived in San Diego had. Tadhg could only hope the off-season kept this quiet.

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