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Aberg joining Vancouver


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Omi Aberg after his hard work in Houston, Miami, and Stockholm finally will have his chance to show his talent in the big league - VHL.


He has been scoring a lot of goals in VHLE and giving assists in VHLM but now he will have to transition his game to VHL where there will be just as and even more talented players than him. Omi Aberg has already requested extra training weeks for himself with coaches because he knows how hard it is to transition from playing with prospects to playing against matured superstars, that rarely have mistakes. Omi Aberg has always displayed very patience and game without any mistakes, but until now hardest players that he had to play against were his draft rivals, but now he will go against VHL MVPs.


Vancouver Wolves will be trying to win the championship again, and if they want to do it again, they will have to bring something new to the table, and adding Aberg to the lineup will definitely help. 

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