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#AsktheBouch: Not Now!!


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Another season approaches sort of understanding of the normal, expectation similar to the cold dark days of winter. One starts to wonder what the season will bring? Looking into a glass pondering the days of past, present and the future. What does the future hold? Age is starting to creep into the bones, harder to get up in the morning; stay motivated to compete with the younger players in the team. Yet some might claim that I am in my prime but I am no longer sure how much longer I can continue to push my training to stay at the top of my game.


Other questions also rush to mind; How will I be remember? Will I be remembered? I have had a good career if I stopped today but nothing worth of the HOF. But really is the HOF the goal when I set out as youngster? No, It was the joy of playing a game that I loved. The rush of beating the defender and the rush of knowing that most couldn’t touch me when I was on my game. Scoring the big goal and being the team mate that other could relay on.


Awards and Championship are simple added bonus to knowing that you did everything you could to help the team win and be successful. Yeah, I have done my best most of my career so I should be proud to hang the hat at the end of the bed but not today. Finish your drink you fool as the team must be waiting for you. Another season awaits and you cannot think about the future when the present is where you need to focus. Helping your team mate on and off the ice. Knowing if you play your best your team should have a chance at the cup at the end of the season. Remember focus on the next game, making the playoffs and then one game/one series at a time. In the end if you give it your best; the result should come or at least you can be proud of your effort.

Stop looking at your shadow as your day is now and that day when the shadow catches you will come soon enough but not now; not now!!


(378 words)

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