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So recently my AGM @Viper has let me know that he is interested in pursuing other job opportunities within the management side of the VHL (specifically anything other than the M lol). We found it in both our interests that instead of waiting for him to find another job that I would hire another agm that would take his place once he found a new job or went inactive again. Viper was apart of the Hounds before I was the GM and did a great job welcoming me to the organization and helping me figure out how to run the team and other things. With that I thank him for everything that he has done for the Hounds throughout his tenure with the team, and I bid him good luck on finding another job.


With that out of the way the new AGM of the Mississauga Hounds is 


I'm just joking the new AGM already knows who they are


This button is way to easy to press








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