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Claimed:Wild Night Episode 2


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Hello, my name is Kathryn Tappen and tonight we have a brand new segment on VHL Tonight, due to recent demand by our viewers, we are now introducing a new program called "WILD NIGHT" Wild night will showcase all of the VHLM leading Saskatoon Wild’s games, as well, all transactions, and news regarding the team. The show is just about to start, so stay tuned for our first airing of WILD NIGHT!


*NHL Network Music Plays*



KT: Welcome to Wild Night, I am with my host Dean Liken, and tonight we bring to you, our viewers, our second airing of "Wild Night" Each night, we will go through all the games the Saskatoon Wild had played, give you a recap of the game, as well, talk about key contributors in those games. At the end of it all, we will give the Wild a grade based on their performance in those games. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!


DL: Alright let’s get this show started! Our feature game tonight has the Red Wolves taking on the Saskatoon Wild. In our last segment the Wild easily took down these pesky Red Wolves by a score of 5-2.  The Wolves currently sit at 18-18-7, while the streaking Saskatoon Wild sits at 35-6-0. Onto the first period of play! Just four minutes into the opening frame the Saskatoon Wild strike first as Joshua Rubin taps in a beautiful cross crease pass from Jarome Iginla to give the Wild one goal lead.

KT: Excellent passing displayed by the Wild on this play. Rubin’s 20th goal of the season just capped off that beautiful work of art. Good start for the Wild.


DL: A good start indeed for the Wild, as they started their last game against the Red Wolves down 2-0 in the opening five minutes.


KT: We head into the halfway mark of the period where Walt Pringle hauls down MF Percy Miller sending the Wolves to their first power play of the game. Ensuing draw, Josh Bennett passes the puck across to Cote who drops it back for Percy Miller who rips his 32nd right behind

Skovsgard and this game is tied at one!


DL: Wow, what a shot by Miller. Skovsgard never saw that until he looked behind him.


KT: Both the Wild and the Wolves would take one penalty each and that would end the first period with the game tied. The Red Wolves outshot the Wild 9-6 in the period.





DL: We start the second period with a tie game, just under two minutes into the period the Red Wolves take the lead, as MF Percy Miller undresses the Wild defense and tucks the puck behind Skovsgard for his 33rd goal of the season, and his 2nd of the game.


KT: MF Percy Miller is just tearing up the Saskatoon Wild tonight. This team needs to contain him if they want to win this game.


DL: Now to the halfway mark of the period, MF Percy Miller’s second of the game has the Wolves in front. The Wild start coming down the ice, its 3 on 2 now, Kurtis Hunter passes the puck over to Tobias Funke and he beats Jose Canseco for his 11th of the season, and we have another tie game!


KT: Great look by Kurtis Hunter on that goal.


DL: That goal would end up taking us to the end of the period as we go into the final period of regulation with a tie game. The Wild outshot the Wolves 6-5 in that frame.




KT: We kick off the third period with a Wild power play, as Tyler Cote takes another bad hooking penalty. Ensuing draw, Mason Richardson shoots into traffic off the draw and it hits Kurtis Hunter and beats Jose Canseco.


DL: Great shot by Richardson there and even better screen/deflect by Hunter to give the Wild a lead.


KT: Yes, Kurtis Hunter’s 6th of the season gives the Wild the early lead in the period and eventually his goal was the game winning goal, as the Wild win yet another game on “WILD NIGHT”




KT: This game was way more balanced compared to the last match these two teams played against each other.  The final shots ended up being 18-18, so very balanced in the shot department as well.  However, the Wild still come out on top, why do you think they won this game Dean?


DL: The Saskatoon Wild purely won this game because they had more determination than the Wolves. This team fought for every loose puck and they took quality shots which led to goals.


KT: Player of the game tonight for the Wild goes to forward Kurtis Hunter. Hunter put up three points tonight (1 goal, 2 assists) in a Wild victory.


DL: Overall tonight I give this team an A.


KT: Well, that’s all the time we have tonight! Catch us next week on “WILD NIGHT!”

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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 2.75/3

828 words. There are a couple things that, if you are going to re-incorporate them into each segment, you need to change up. For instance, the two punctuation errors listed below are ones picked out from the first segment. Secondly, in the opening paragraph you listed this as the first airing of Wild Night. I enjoy the commentary, but with each episode, it's going to sound the same. What I would encourage is maybe a mini-interview at the end of the game with the star or something at the intermission to add and change some of the dynamics. Great job again.

Grammar: 2/2

Night" Each = Night." Each


Appearance: .75/1

I would like to see some pictures incorporated or some color to add some different elements to this series.

Overall: 5.5/6

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 2.75/3

Yeah this was an interesting idea, doing it during a game. Like slobo said, just a couple things to improve how its read. 


Grammar: 2/2

He got em'.


Appearance: .75/1

Yeah not quite enough here, kind of boring.


Overall: 5.5/6

Final: 6/6

Edited by Draper
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