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Sakamoto Speeding Toward Controversy?

der meister

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As arguably the quickest player in the VHLM, Halifax's blueliner Ryuji Sakamoto is quickly developing a reputation as a guy with speed to burn. "He's like Quicksilver in that X-Mans movie where he saves everyone from the bomb and eats a sandwich during it," one teammate quipped. 


While scouts agree, there's also the question of what else Sakamoto might bring to the table, whether this season or next. "He's remarkably fast, and I've seen some definite growth in his defensive game, but that's not gonna get anyone very far. Looking toward the VHLM draft, I'd be surprised if he's picked in the top 3 rounds. A super fast shut down defenseman? The VHLM likes players who bring offense to the table."


For Ryuji's part, he doesn't care what other people say. "Shitty adults can say whatever they want. My job is to play hard and prove them wrong, day after day after day."

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