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Fighting in Hockey!


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Fighting in the VHL?  Is it down?  Is it just enough?  These are questions plaguing fans as the VHLM playoffs are rapidly approaching.   If there is one time when all hockey fans are standing is when two pugilists are standing at center ice trading blows for their teams.   But as head injuries are of concern for clubs we’ve seen the reduction in fisticuffs to almost non-existent.  That doesn’t mean the VHLM doesn’t have some tough guys willing to bang.  Tavish Degroot, Big Bob, Mo Probert (great last name), and Brian Payne are willing and have had fight filled junior careers but that hasn’t transitioned to the VHLM,  yet.  Even after researching players with TPE placed in “fighting” points there isn’t really an uptick in overall fighting??  


Maybe it’s for nostalgia’s sake or maybe because the risk for head injury is nonexistent on a Simulation… but this writer hopes for some old school style of the first round on these coming playoffs.  

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Don't forget you have The Board Goon Clue on Skates on your roster. That thing has been known to drop the mitts. Rumors also have it that it's been replacing all of its cardboard components with hardboard components in preparation for absolutely murdering the opposition come post-season.


We also have to keep in mind that because it is a board game, it doesn't actually have a head. Experts have agreed that this does significantly lower the risk of head injuries, which means BGCS should be amped up on Clue Glue™ and ready to go with any of its 6 potentially lethal weapons!


Go #TeamClue!

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