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Donald Trump Claims Multis Created to Stop his Commish Bid


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Former President Donald Trump announces Arizona visit on Jan. 15


The VHL has been plagued with literally "multiple" scandals lately. The past month, many multi users have been discovered and consequences have been met for it. Donald Trump, who has said he is making a run at VHL Commissioner has spoken out about the situation. "I turn on my TV, as I walked in the room I said wow let me turn on my TV. I see all this nonsense about multiple accounts being linked to one user. It is no coincidence these are the same people trying to block my birth right to be VHL Commissioner. Believe me, believe me, this is a far-left conspiracy and we won't put up with it. We will never let them win. Collusion from Canada will never be tolerated." Trump said. There is no evidence to support Trump's claims, and social media has taken quick action to try to remove all videos of Trump's interview from their platforms. People thought the multis were created only to benefit the user, but could this be a big conspiracy against Donald Trump?

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