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I remember, when I was in science class I learned that the entire world is made from 5, five elements, five forces and many other things. This got me thinking, what are the five elements/parts of offence. For hockey, the answer isn’t that hard. The five elements of hockey would be: passing, shooting, face-offs  , goaltending, and defence, but what about just the offensive scale.  Now we can see that some things in hockey do apply but I’ll still be going through all five elements of offense. (These will be for wingers and not centers)


1  Passing

I think that this one is the (or one of the) most obvious one here. Passing is the biggest part of hockey, you can’t win a game without passing the puck. If you decide to just not pass the puck the entire game, you will get stripped of the puck nearly every time you try to bring it up. Passing is   ,by far, the  most important parts of the game of hockey.


2 Shooting

Shooting is the second most important part of the sport of hockey. Without shooting, you can’t do what you have to do, which is to get the puck to the back of the net, which makes shooting one of the most important part right after passing. Shooting is, again, one of the biggest factors for a player no matter the position.


3 Hockey IQ

This is another important part of hockey. If you can’t figure out what your opponent is thinking, you can’t figure out what’s happening to the game. This might seem like a small thing when we talk about it however, when you go in game you realize that knowing what your opponent is thinking and being able to read the puck is a huge part of the game. Why is this so important you may ask? This is why: imagine you’re playing a game of hockey and you get a breakaway and it’s a 2-1 rush. Now you can see that the goaltender is right there and you also see that your teammate is wide open. You also realize that the defence player is right on your opponent. What would you do? Now here a person with a lower hockey IQ and higher hockey IQ would do different things depending on their, and the other persons, skill level but a person with an average skill level and hockey IQ would most likely just take the shot.


4 Puck Handling

Puck handling is very important inside of hockey, in hockey you must know how to handle the puck before anything. If you can’t handle the puck then you’ll lose the puck anytime you get it which will make you more a liability on the ice. This helps the fact why this is one of 5 elements inside of an offensive player and why it’s important to know how to use a puck.


5 Skating

Last but not least, skating. Skating is a thing which every ice hockey player must know. I’ll keep this short because it’s really not something hard to realize but when you’re on ice, you need to know how to walk on it.



According to me, these are the five main elements to a game of hockey for a offensive player. These are all parts of the game which every offensive player must know to play professionally. I wish that if you have any opinions for this article please feel free to share it in the comments below. This is my third article in the VHL and this is Dabnad signing off.


598 words

Week ending Jan 16

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Very good article, I have never an article like that and I really like it. Also, I am want to say that these are very accurate, I tried to find another element, but I can't. It is nice to see that you put each elements in bold to make it easier to read. Keep up the good work and continue like that.

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reviewing: While I do agree with the 5 elements to offense that you stated here, I would like to add that there is one more that you may have forgotten about: defense. Why, you ask? Well often times great defense can turn into a great scoring opportunity, especially stepping in front of a pass and taking it the other way for a breakaway. Other than that, great article, especially the hockey IQ breakdown. 10/10

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Overall I liked this breakdown. You did put good arguments for each of the elements and had good accuracy. I would have wanted you to ralk about defense tho, as sometimes the best offense is a good defense. Defense tends to make opportunities for the offense. But overall, very good article.



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