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Kisslinger II Offseason Thoughts.

Justin Faulk Sport GIF by St. Louis Blues

Today on ESPN we have an inclusive interview with the Warsaw Predators star in the making, Zach Kisslinger II! We had the chance to ask him some questions and to see what he is up to.


Contract Information

Season 2 Agree GIF by Paramount+

Q. We heard that you had very successful contract talks, Can you elaborate at all on this? 

A. Yes, for sure I can! @dlamband I had a very quick discussion and we both knew what was the right step towards making the franchise the best it can be. We decided on a 4-year contract and it feels very good to be planned into the team's future I cannot wait to make this deal look good!

Q. Why did you decide to resign so quickly and not wait and see what happens by the end of the season?

A. It is super simple really.. I love the city. The city has treated me like a king ever since I was drafted here and I really felt like I need to earn this city a championship. The fans are die-hard and it is quite crazy haha. I have noticed so many people walking around Warsaw with my jersey on so it is a dream come true. I also love my teammates, they are so great to be around and it feels like a family. I feel like our team is something special. 


Offseason plans

Hockey Drills GIF by Hockey Training

Q. What have you been up to this offseason?

A. Training and Training hard. I do not take any time off really, To be the best you have to train more than the rest. I feel like the Predator's training staff is world-class. They have me training way more efficiently and have me on a great diet that just makes me feel stronger and better. I have been really good though, when I am not training, I am watching sports. I love the UFC and wanted to be in the NBA at one point! 

Q. Do you have anything fun planned for the offseason?

A. Yeah, I think a week before the season starts I am going to stay inside and relax before a stressful season. I am going to play so many video games and watch a lot of my favourite movies. I am a fun guy, I just train really really hard. I plan on playing lots of FPS games as they are my favourite for sure. I do like to do the Franchise modes for all the sports games so maybe I will do that too haha.


Going Home

Flying Take Off GIF by Airbus

Q. Have you been back to Canada to see your family since it is the offseason?

A.  I actually have not. I talked to them and they understand my goals and mindset when it comes to my career. They know I want to be the best and they support me fully. I talk to them every day and try to be involved as much as I can. I have not been home since being drafted, but I will eventually go home for a nice long vacation. 

Q. Do you think lack of family time is a negative thing?

A. I do not believe so because I am in my own world and it helps me keep focus and do me.


We would like to thank Zach Kisslinger II for coming on and good luck this season!


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