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New Team, New Sig! BoJo in Beardislava!


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Yes, I think referring to Bratislava as Beardislava makes a lot of sense. Feel free to disagree.


Wow, that is so much brighter on the forums than it looked in PS. Oh well, have fun getting flashbanged by my sig on Dark mode, I guess?🤣

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I notice a distinct lack of beard on your player... are you sure you passed the beardical entry test? I mean granted there is some facial hair, however same is not yet worthy of the name 'beard'...

Edited by Daniel Janser
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25 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

I notice a distinct lack of beard on your player... are you sure you passed the beardical entry test? I mean granted there is some facial hair, however same is not yet worthy of the name 'beard'...

I had to limit the size for the purpose of aerodynamics sadly. Bo's off-season beard was found to reduce his maximum on ice velocity by approximately 11 mph due to the amount of drag it generated. This was found as part of the pre-season test that were performed in Team Clue's state-of-the-art top secret sports science lab wind tunnel. That certainly isn't just a fancy name for the drafty basement of Clue manor!

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5 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

as Shindigs is European I take this to be 11 meters per hour, which is roughly 36ft/h...

No his beard was just that big. No typos here.

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