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Week Ending January 30th


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I realized that I need to do one last task to claim in other leagues this week.  Unfortunately, I only realized this after I got on the couch and left my laptop on my desk. So basically I'm trying out this text to speak feature on my phone and let's see how accurate this can get.


Overall last week or I guess this week, was pretty much a whirlwind. A lot of activity happened for me personally. I had to do financier stuff for the league, and then I ended up becoming a blue. When I say blue, I just generally mean a member of the league staff team and I didn't really think that financier was part of that crew. But turns out it was. So then I had to open up free agency and that caused a lot of problems, and then there's just a lot of stuff that happened in the week and I'm going to cover it in my podcast tomorrow!


I always ask people to give me topics to talk about on my podcast, but no one ever gives me any topics. So if anyone reads this article, please give me topics! I'm starting to run out of stuff to talk about, but I do enjoy recording them for the two people that listen.


Not bad text to speech!

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-Thoughts on the the GM tanking their draft stock rule. Where is the line?

-Talk about how you juggle multiple jobs i the VHL. Is it fun, stressful? Mixture of things? Is it worth the time it takes up?

-If you had the power to change ONE major thing in the league at this moment what would it be? Feel free to go into detail if you’d like.

-Was the Hogan punishment fair in your eyes?


Not sure if any of these have been discussed in previous podcasts, if so I apologize I have just recently started listening to podcasts again since my return.

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1 - You have to hand off all your jobs to someone (Someone different for each job) They have unlimited time to complete the job per week, who do you give it to.

2 - Do you want to be a commissioner

3 - You successfully changed the VHL for good. What is your next change you want to make

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