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Malmo Talent


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  • 2 weeks later...


At first glance, it looks like a really smooth sig. Nice focus on the players face and the text compliments the render without overpowering it. Your color palette choice seems to work. I am not a huge fan of the effects on the render but that is a design choice. If I had to point out anything that was obvious, I would say the lack of a logo and the NHL collar emblem is the only issue I have with this sig. Overall you did a good job and it is pleasing to look at. 


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With a quick look this is an awesome graphic! The background is awesome because it fits in with the rest of the colors, same with the text.  It's colors are perfect for the background and the player.  The players jersey is very well colored as it also fits in with the scheme.  But within further inspection the renders head looks weird.  It's low quality, I usually don't care about quality as much because you can't really do much against it but this time the face looks a little too low quality.  I would recommend to put it a little further out to make it as crisp yet as well placed as possible.  Well done 7/10

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