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With the season more than half over, Seattle has been showing some signs of positive growth. Fighting hard to progress in the standings. This fairly young team has been working hard. The players are doing their part and keeping up with training and working with team mates to get some chemistry going. It has been working for the most part and as predicted, Seattle is getting stronger as the season moves along. Hopefully by the time the playoffs roll around, Seattle will be in a position that will put us in the show. I have no reason to think we won't make the playoffs.


All in all, it's been a positive rookie season for Max Torq. Not any stat sheet leader but has shown a bit of talent on the back end, where he should be. He also is getting the hang of being a part of the power play and has gotten a few goals. It's only getting better. Should be a fun home stretch run for Seattle. Never a dull moment.

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