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Minion Player and Gm graphic for my sig

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Graphics Review


I'm not good at graphics so I could never accomplish what you just accomplished.  The player and GM combined into one graphic is impressive.  I'll start with the left side of the graphic.  You have the focus on the player face and it fits perfectly, dominating just over a third of the left side.  You blended the green, blue, and white to make it flow.  Nothing appeared out of place, size, or against the eye.  Lastly on the left side, you started the signature just right to build it onto the right side.  In addition, the blend of the left and right was just enough blend and contrast to explain the graphic title perfectly.


Now to review the right side of the graphic.  I liked that you didn't dominate that side with your GM and put the focus on the team logo.  The colors blended quite well once again and the contrast of the GM was done really well.  The blue/white streaks going up and left towards the middle of the graphic bring both the player and the GM together and with the signature coming across at an angle it adds to the graphic altogether.


Now, to the signature.  My initial though of the word "The" might be too dark, but upon further reflection, I see that the dark color with the thin edge contrast was done just right because it was overlayed on a portion of the player that if you had lightened it up it probably would have looked off.  The "Minions" signature was done very well also as it blends with the lower portion of the graphic and is a good color so that it doesn't take over the graphic nor does it look like it was an afterthought.  


Overall, you did a great job with each part of the graphic to blend all three topics into one graphic.  This is the first graphic I have paid attention to that was created by you and I am impressed. Now possibly someone more skilled than me could review this and come up with some fault, but I can't.  Great job!!


Score 10/10

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