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EFFORT: 2/2 - Yus

LOOK: 2.5/3 - Everything flows nicely except the text, doesn't really fit in with the colour and where it is at all. The lighting looks kind of funny because it's on part of his face but not the other. Overall it's a solid start to a sig I just think there's some stuff you need to finish up here!


TOTAL: 5.5/6

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EFFORT: 2/2 - You’ve put some effort into this one for sure; most of everything seems to be in order. I can’t help but feel really good about the size of the sig, I always love compact graphics. 

LOOK: 2.5/3 - Overall I somewhat enjoy this graphic the render is a really good size and takes up most of the signature and that’s really important. The Text is really strong, I like the font, but as Jamie said it’s a really hard sell for me. I feel like you could’ve used a different font, a thinner far more compact font maybe?  It just looks really boxy and doesn’t fit with the style of the sig well. As for the stock work I’m not a fan because I think you tired a little too hard with the foreground. I can’t tell if that’s a white to gray gradient or you just used solid white and changed the opacity, but it really seems to flush the sig straight out and seems rather dull on the eyes. I also gave to pick at the splatter against it, it almost looks as if you selected your eraser and picked a random brush from your pallet and went through with using it as an eraser for a cool effect. 

CREATIVITY: 2/2 - I can tell you really made the effort and put time into this sig, I feel visually you were going for something and for some reason it was rushed or feels rushed. Still it was a very good attempt and I can’t fault that.  


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