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Hunting for gold


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My name is Erlantz Jokinen. I play in Helsinki Titans. Easter is a special time. In Finland, where I now live, I used to live in Calgary, but I got traded here. Anyways, in Finland, people like to celebrate easter by hiding chocolate eggs around the house or outside. Then, usually, the kids try to find them. It's all in good fun. This year the weather happened to be pretty nice, so I imagine chocolate eggs were hunted all over the country. To celebrate this special activity, I wrote a little end-rhyme poem that I also tried to share with the Helsinki Titans organization, but they said it was shit.




Hunting for gold


Easter is here
They must be near
Eggs, big and small
I need to find them all


Under the car, behind a tree
Chocolate balls, where are thee?
The light turns on in the house
I must be quiet as a mouse


I see a Moscow flag
What a drag
Should I take it as well?
Naah, not valuble enough to sell


Man opens the door
The chocolate balls, score
A basket full of gold
What a sight to behold


The man looks around.
He puts some on the ground
The man sees the tree and the car
Damn, I should have brought a bigger jar


Chocolate balls tucked away
Today is my lucky day
The man goes back inside
Excited screams I tried to hide


I pick four, I pick seven,
I must be in heaven
I can't carry any more
The rest I must ignore


Time to head home
Mouth covered in foam
Chocolate balls, all mine
Today,  I dine

Edited by jRuutu
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