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Review: Interesting choice in taking a duck player and then trying to pull of a switch to the dragons. At the end of the day, I feel that I just want more from a graphic instead of slap job with a teams logo, a quick lettering with a players name and then some flash added. What I want to see is a player cut, logo swap and then some creative background added to really make the graphic really become your own. Example would be having a dragon in the background or coming out of the player showing how this all relates to the team. Heck, maybe try a mortal combat style graphic as it should work with the dragons logo.


Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge trailer to be shown at Final  Kombat | Shacknews

Add the dragon to the background and replace scorpion with your player and it just works.

Overall, I like the fact that a logo swap was completed, tried with flare and overall placement of the players name is well thought out. 5/10

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