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first quarter report for Ori (S83) A good start


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Hello and for a third season now we are back to this series. Once again Ori is up to bat and he's off to a good start for season 83, a little behind last season but still on a good pace. In the first four games he only got one assist which lead watchers to probably think he was gonna be off to a slow start, but he got 11 points over his next six games. The next game saw him get nothing on the score sheet but he had 4 points over the next two before failing to score again. game 15 saw him get a 3 point night before going scoreless the rest of the quarter. Overall he had 4 goals, 15 assists for 19 points. It does seem like scoring has become a bit of a problem for the Titans and he hope Ori can find a bit more scoring consistency for the team.


In the faceoff circle Ori is still the main man, he took 873 total faceoffs and won 514 of them which is a winning percentage of 58.88. He had nine game where he took at least 50 and one game where he took 60. It's a little lower than the first quarter of last season but still very impressive, he has also taken more than 100 less faceoffs this quarter compared to last year. We look forward to the next three quarters of the season to see if Ori can step it up and if the Titans can find more consistent scoring!


(word count 259)

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