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A Noodles Update


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It would be a lot easier to create a 200 word article if, in fact, something interesting had happened to Noodles.  So what changed ?  Absolutely nothing.  Noodles is still getting limited ice time, between 3 and 6 minutes per game.  I understand this, though, in that his skill set is not as developed as other players on the Istanbul Red Wolves.  Of note is that Noodles did egt 2 points in 24 game, one of them being a game winning goal.  So that, at least, is a bit of positive news.  Noodles is continuing his progress, adding as many skill points as he can on a weekly basis.  On another note, Noodles' team, the Istanbul Red Wolves, seem fated to end up in the middle of the pack.  Although they are stuck in a spiral of losing (three in a row), it doesn't seem likely, at this point, that they will not make the playoffs.  There is a lot of hockey between now and then, however.  And a lot can happen.  If/when they make the playoffs then anything can happen.  Time will tell.

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