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Lidz Exposed????


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After recently being exposed by @lidzI thought we could share a story about him. It was during the most recent Scrabble Grapple brand retreat in Sydney, Australia. Poopy Peepants @JardyB10was sitting in a restaurant when suddenly a group of people came up to us and recognized Chiang and Poopy. Unfortunately Blue being the young player he was wasn't recognized. So Chiang and Poopy sign some autographs when suddenly we hear Blue say, "You know I play hockey too?" Everyone looks over to him as he had gotten into the bus and gotten his stick and a puck. Now if you know Blue you know that he hit the puck hard and he thought it would be a great idea to shoot the puck into a wooden barrel underneath the TV on the wall. When he shot the puck though his sticks toe got stuck on a nail and his shot went wide. We watched with horror as the puck bounced off the TV towards the owner of the restaurant's prize vase. This vase was 800 years old and we watched the puck fly towards the air towards it. The vase shattered into hundreds of pieces and Blue was struck with fear. The owner comes out and behind yelling. Blue was banned from the restaurant and now has to pay $8.9 million to the owner to replace the vase.


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