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Can Houston really do something this season?

Ozzy Batty

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The Houston Bulls, my team, has had a disappointing season. If the games were won on heart, we would be beating everyone hands down. But sadly, that isnt the case. We all know that games are won by the number of goals that are scored. One team scores more than the other to determine the outcome. Sadly, we have been on the lowest number scored in more matches than I want to count.


We knew this season would be tough, we lost our goalie right before the season started. We finally were able to get a replacement (you can read all about that saga in my media spots) but when a rookie is brought in during the season, yea, it is like racing uphill with a pack on your back, it feels like you will never catch up. Yea, we are making progress, but then so is everyone else. I have to say at least we are not losing by 6 or 7 goals now. The losses are by 1 goal, but they are still losses. 


However, the random wins that we have been able to get have somehow moved us into the final playoff spot. I love that we have moved out of the basement. That was such a lonely place to to be. With the addition of our goalie, we were able to get out of there, thank goodness for that. We have gotten into the playoff spots and now we need to keep improving. 


We have the scoring threats, all over the attacking side of things, even Doug is getting into the act. But now we need to stop the other side from scoring on us!


One game that really stuck with me, overtime, I am taking the puck up the ice during the shootout...and it is blocked...thus...we lose another one. Yea, I am sure that some people remember the scores...but I remember the misses...

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