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Graphics Review


Your use of the blue is pretty good.  I like the different shades that accent the graphic.  The player is of good size for the graphic and emphasizes the player with the blend of the colors(yellow and black) with the blue.  Your logo is good proportion and is distorted just right on the jersey that it looks like it belongs there.  I’ve seen a lot of your graphics and you do a great job on them all.  This is another example.


What I like the most about your graphic is the signature, or name.   Its a cool name and the font you used is perfect for the name and the graphic.  I also like the way the black lettering sticks out with the player.  You chose a good size for the name and it fills the right side, which adds to the graphic and makes it complete.  


I’m not sure what you could change on this graphic to improve it.   The simple title fits the graphic.  Well done!!


Score 10/10

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Some things about this graphic don't sit well with me.  I do like the wild blue background, it is not harmonious with the color scheme of the rest of the graphic.  Good logo swap, but the render seems a bit blurry to my old eyes.  Your choice of font is pretty good, but it needs to be outlined, or, perhaps in a different color to set it off against the background a bit better.  Overall a good try 6.5/10

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