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A Late-Night 500


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I had an article started, but it's long and I don't feel like spending the 2 hours I have left to write for this week on it. Instead, I think I'm just going to drop some general thoughts on league happenings, like a .com article but wordier--and I guess I'm not bad at making things wordy, so this should be easy.


First off, I guess we'll talk about my player, because that's prime article material for anyone. I think STHS is finally starting to regress Vandelay to the mean. I don't exactly have my stats tracked from last week to this one, but the sim results no longer have me dominating in net. Sure, Miami is still doing well, but pretty much every sim since my last "Vandelay is doing so great" article has gone as expected with regards to which team wins the game based on shot totals. In fact, we even lost a game we should have won, where both of the first two stars were bot players from Philly. I can't be at all disappointed by my own performance this season, but if we're really going to make things happen in the playoffs, I need to keep it going and it's not the greatest sign that I'm currently not.


Second, we'll go to BoG stuff, since that's my only official form of league involvement since leaving the GM world. I'll say that not a ton has happened since the meta talk concluded and hybrid attributes were implemented, but I'll also say that the ball has started to roll again on a few old threads. If what I think is going to happen does indeed happen, we'll see a small handful of changes this coming offseason, all of which I think will make the league a better place. No, it's nothing as earth-shattering as hybrid attributes or a third league (both projects that took months of discussion to reach a conclusion), but at least two things I can think of are things from a while back that received some level of support when they were brought up in public.


Third, I guess? I don't know what my word count is, but it doesn't look like 500 yet. I'm wondering how to spend the coming week, as I effectively have it off (minus a work day or two) before I graduate. Has anyone ever taken a staycation? I feel like it would be wrong of me to sit in my house doing nothing all week (and even if that's the wrong wording, I'd be really bored if I did that). I'm aware that this is the biggest first-world problem ever, but I honestly don't like it when I have a great deal of free time. I wasn't like this until this year, but I think student me successfully conditioned regular me to always be concerned about what to do and to freak out and think poorly of myself when I'm not doing something. Maybe that's just a part of being a 20-something, though--it's the time of my life when I should be doing everything I can handle, right? Might as well.


So that's that. I hate to be the guy to write a lazy media spot, but I'm feeling a bit lazy and I also think I've been good for enough non-lazy media spots for one to slip through the cracks every now and then. Besides, some of you apparently like my stream-of-consciousness stuff, so have fun with this one. 

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3 hours ago, Gustav said:

Has anyone ever taken a staycation?

Yes. My recommendation would be to go to a Museum (or even better a Zoo, as it is outdoors) near you, which you wanted to go for a long time but never found the time (or too many excuses) to do so. This would satisfy your 'I do not want to stay at home' side as well as your 'student' side as it would be educational as well...

Edited by Daniel Janser
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4 hours ago, Gustav said:

Has anyone ever taken a staycation?

I did with a week of my vacation pay last year, honestly was more relaxing than most of my vacations where I’m stressed about travelling and how the kid is going to adjust and paying for food and everything else. I literally just dropped the munchkin off in the morning, hopped on Diablo 2, played for 8 hours, and then went upstairs to the family. Does it sound dumb? Yeah, probably, but it was exactly what I needed to relax. Just a week where I didn’t have to worry about anything.

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