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My VHLE experience


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I started this experience post season 83 draft with very little knowledge of what I was even doing or to be honest what the VHL even was. I had been talked into joining the league by my son who had been playing for a few seasons. He told me that they were looking for players and if I joined, he would get bonus training points. (No clue what that meant at the time.) He promised that it was fun and that it would not take a lot of time. All I would have to do is create a player and write a little bit. To be a good father I agreed to do something with him that was his interest. Honestly, his love of hockey came from me so what can I expect? 


I must admit that I do not think that I would have stuck with it if I were doing this in isolation. The basic mechanics of how things work although not difficult are not straight forward either. It was nice to have someone able to guide me through my first experience, to discuss the difference between articles and media spots, to guide me through the various pages as I looked for trivia answers (you people really need to make that more organized) to talk to me about career tasks (who knew that was a thing) and to discuss how to maximize getting TPE. Having someone that I could discuss player development and thoughts on how to apply TPE to various attributes was beneficial. As of this week I will have maxed my VHLM TPE level of 200 without having been drafted. I have created a player who was able to score over 20 goals and 50 points during that time.  


Beyond building on my relationship with my son I have also been introduced to people from around the world who enjoy hockey, who have both an analytical side but also a creative side. People who have helped make this experience fun and one I will repeat. 


Now we progress onto the playoffs, the post season and season 2 in the VHLE. 

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