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Does the VHL have a TPE problem?


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       As a player entering my third season in a few weeks, I've already passed the 800 TPE mark. I can assume that at the start of my third season ill be somewhere around the 880+ mark (assuming three weeks of earning, TC, any fantasy, donating, monthly affiliate check, predictions and anything else). This number seems way to high compared to where I was on my first player. After I retired with Hulk Hogan I had 1500 TPE, I should be able to smash this number. Now it is potentially not a problem with this new build system being implemented which could slow down player progression, but this rapid TPE gain could cause problems in the future and result in a nerf. We'll have to see over the next few seasons how my player ends up with such high totals of TPE, but I'd assume that in the end, the rich will get richer while people who don't necessarily gain as much will be pushed to the bottom.

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