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The VHL finals just finished up and we have a new winner, but before the celebration, we should look at how the series went. In game one, Seattle Bears were able to fight for their first game, collecting 5 goals and 56 shots, but Moscow had a slightly better first game shooting 70 shots and winning in the 2nd overtime to make the final score 6-5. The next game shown the Bears elite goaltending while the Menace took 62 shots, only 2 goals were allowed, And the Menace goaltending was not nearly as hot, as 3 goals were let in on 24 shots. With the series 1-1, Menace didn’t like the tie, so they planned out to take game 3. The game took until overtime, but Moscow was able to come out with the win 4-3, series is now 2-1 Moscow. The lead didn’t last for Moscow, getting destroyed in game 4 by Seattle 4-1, and yes, Seattle looked READY this game. With the series tied once again, 2-2, and the embarrassing loss Moscow had last game, they had to be ready, and they were, in fact they one upped Seattle’s win the previous game to collect a 5-1 win on only 18 shots for Moscow. With the Bears on the line for losing the cup, they were nervous, and it showed in the first period, but Seattle collected themselves in the second and came back for an overtime win 3-4 was the score. The series was now a winner take all and with a good push on both sides, Seattle ended up winning the cup by only one goal, 3-2 was game 7s score. So, congratulations to the Seattle Bears for the win, and to Moscow, I’m glad Russia lost, sorry… This series reminded me of the Toronto-Tampa Bay series this year, back and forth, with the team down the whole series, winning 2 in a row, interesting! Sorry if this was a little bland, I didn’t know what to talk about, and I was busy to even think of something.

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