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Hard Carry


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Moscow, Russia.


The big question going into this season, was would Moscow be able to compete after losing Duncan Idaho. We are almost a third the way through the season, and it seems as though GM @Spartan has done it again. He's once again retooled the Moscow Menace into a top team in the league. After 19 games, the Moscow Menace are tied with Warsaw (who has a game in hand) at 28 points for first in the league. This comes after having to move the best, most complete player in the league in Idaho. 


Sergey Preobrazhenzky has continued to develop into the playmaking center they thought they had when they drafted him. Henri le Massif took a major step forward, in points while still accumulating hits. The Seabasstard, newest Menace captain, has provided leadership as well as consistent on-ice play. Off-season acquisition Flynn Remy has excelled in Moscow being a point per game player playing on the first pairing. What might have been the biggest step forward is the play of 2x Labatte Trophy winner Hard Markinson.


Markinson has put up point in the past, but this season he is on another level. Markinson has taken this team, and absolutely put them on his back. The veteran defenseman is now 35 point sin 19 GP. He's got the statline that has really had the league talking, and is showing that in this role, he can really move the needle. Marksinon has always shown under pressure he can play, as last playoffs he took over the lead for All-Time Defenseman scoring. This season has felt like playoff hockey all year for Moscow, and it's showing in Markinson's play.

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