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Old School Shockey

probably not noah

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It's a name that has been heard echoing around the VHL for decades. It seemed he was more myth than man. A messiah who would lead the VHL's chosen people to the promised land. He was to be the greatest hockey player ever to hit the ice. And now he's here.
Gifford Shock has announced his eligibility for the VHL Entry Draft. 
It's an event catching eyes worldwide, with the event already being called "The Shockening." 
Will he match the hype? Can he really be the next Scotty Campbell, can he live up to the legend of the Shock? 
I'm not one to make wild claims, but yes. Yes he can. And will. Gifford Shock will be the greatest thing the VHL has ever seen. And how do I know this?
Because I'm Gifford fucking Shock. 
This league will never be the same. 
Get ready for the revolution. 
The Shockening 2014.
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