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Having been only here 2 years since last month, I can’t say with a full scope of membership how the league has changed for the better. To reflect on 15 years for an internet site, there’s a lot to see and take note of.


In comparison, Youtube and Reddit are only 17 years old. Twitter is 16 years old. Facebook is 18 years old. Look how much that all has changed throughout each of those platforms! There are countless icons of internet moments throughout the past 15 years on each site. The internet as a whole has undergone countless changes in that span of time, both for the better and for the worse. In that time frame, and thankfully from what I gather for the betterment of all involved, the VHL has its fair share of those moments as well.


During the time that I began to participate in the VHL, I’ve seen some great movements forward in community and participation. Not only have great teams risen and fallen, but great people have really shown bright in this collective of hockey sim participants. To name each and everyone one of them would be a challenge in its own right. Our community has been incredibly inclusive to anyone who came to join our community, and I applaud the members who worked to make this a welcoming environment. That great work should be carried forward each and every day in the future!


Members who have GMed teams have created fantastic locker rooms where new members feel right at home with their teams and the VHL as a whole. Even on teams where losing became all too familiar, the comradery developed within the team outshone the performance in STHS. To each GM who has put in the effort to create that special place in the VHL, a job well done to you. Regardless of the accolades won, even if you haven’t won anything, you all have done great things in the VHL.


To the BOG and all those involved in administrative work, your passion over the course of my time in the VHL has been evident in great detail. The work completed over the past 15 years to bring us to this point is not only reinforced by your efforts but strengthened and made better to an incredible amount. Thank you for your time spent making this community what it is and what it will be.


The future of the VHL to me looks very bright. I have seen wonderful things and experiences occur in this little spot within the vast web of the internet, and I am excited to see what is in store for us all. While some seasons may bring about challenges to keep things going at an optimum level, I am very confident that the next 15 years will be filled with VHL greats, leaders, and influencers at all levels of the community. Let’s keep this great experience headed forward and upward; the community’s best years are still ahead of us!

Edited by KaleebtheMighty

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