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Houston is buzzing !


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Well @ajwllmsnhas been putting in serious work constantly improving the Bulls this season ! He really has turned them into one of the top teams in the VHLM with his major trade acquisitions, steal waiver pickups and excellent players acquired in the draft this year . Let’s see how we got here folks .


first off he drafted the core of this team in the first 3 rounds picking up Cooke and Weaver in the first and karppinen and bobs in the next 2 rounds giving the Bulls a stud defence pairing that’s really probably the top pairing league wide . Two excellent forwards.

shortly after the stellar draft aj picked up bill nye in net who has arguably been the teams MVP at times and Brayden Albriect at center . With these players Houston enjoyed early success. 

Aj knew his work was far from over . He’s assembled a without a doubt the best defence core in the league and again arguably the best forwards core as well ! With all these moves the Bulls are coming on strong and going all in for the cup this year ! Only time will tell if all the work was enough but as of now it seems to be more then enough !



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