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Round the Bend, My Friend


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With only a few more games to round out the season, Jesse Teno finds themselves sitting in the top 10 of their draft class. It’s not something they imagined themselves being but the numbers do not lie. Jesse Teno from the start has been a hard-working goalie who wishes to better themselves every day. Jesse comes into the final week of the season with a 21-41-2 record but a surprising 5 shutouts and a .902 save percentage. The one thing really on Jesse’s side numbers wise is the fact that they have been shot on so much yet have never let more than 7 goals through in a single game. Amazingly, Jesse has also led the Wild to a win in every single shoot out game of the season. If anything, this proves how great of a goalie Jesse Teno is turning out to be. Despite not having the best numbers overall, Jesse is still an impressive goalie who will be able to go far in the VHLE next season.


170 words for week ending 8/7/22

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Do you still have that 100% saves in the SO? Cause last I checked you did, over like 9 PS? Which is kinda insane.

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