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As Playoffs in VHLM Approach, How do Teams Stack Up? (8/1 Edition)


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After being scolded by @Shindigs for failing to provide the correct playoff matchups (not really, Shindigs loves me [I think]) and dealing with legal battles over my adoption with Juan Ceson, I am bringing to you a weekly summary of how each VHLM team stacks up, since this will be the last week for the regular season. Some teams have clinched or obtained a different letter next to their name and one has officially been eliminated from the playoffs.


Las Vegas Aces (56-6-5, 117 PTS) - Z

Not only has Vegas proven they're the team to beat this year, but they have officially clinched the #1 seed in the league. This comes off of large wins to end the month of July, and after crunching the numbers, Mexico City can no longer catch the Aces. Al Land still leads the league in points (59-63-122) and LV boasts the best goaltending tandem in the VHLM. The only thing hovering over the Aces heads is the offseason, as they will lose some key players to the higher levels, including D Reid Johnson (myself) (7-49-56) and Larry Abass Jr (28-52-80). I expect this team to be the absolute favorite to win the Founder's Cup, unless something goes terribly wrong. If the playoffs were to begin today, Las Vegas would play Saskatoon, the current 8th seed. 


Mississauga Hounds (44-16-6, 94 PTS) - Y

As I stated before, I was criminally wrong about where Mississauga was in the standings. Their record shows that they can contend with the teams at the top. The only team that seems to be the hardest to compete with is Las Vegas, as they have cruised to the #1 seed. The Hounds are in a fight for 2nd place overall in the standings, but they are expected to receive a favorable matchup in the playoffs now that they have clinched the East. Lorenzo Cobberson (37-48-85) leads the team in points and is in the Top 10 in scoring this season. If the playoffs were to begin today, Mississauga would play Ottawa, the current 7th seed.


Mexico City Kings (42-15-9, 93 PTS) - X

Mexico City holds a strong spot in the standings and I feel are the biggest threat to spoil Las Vegas's party. While they are 2-6 against the Aces, they boast a roster that can contend for the Founder's Cup. Led by LW Halvar Torbjorn (33-48-81) and D Tater Tottingham (24-57-81), they can make some noise as the season ends. It'll be short and sweet about the Kings for me. If the playoffs were to begin today, Mexico City would play Halifax, the current 6th seed.


Houston Bulls (43-17-5, 91 PTS) - X

As the playoffs near, Houston still threatens Mexico City for 3rd overall in the standings. The only thing that worries me about a deep playoff round for the Bulls is the 1st round itself. If the playoffs were to begin today, they would play Philadelphia. Despite going 4-1 against the Reapers, each game besides 1 has been decided by 1 goal. I think we'll learn more about this realistic playoff matchup once the dust settles on the regular season. Houston does boast a Top 10 point getter in Ronaldono Ronaldono (39-45-84), but can they truly ride on the back of him? Only time will tell. 


Philadelphia Reapers (39-23-4, 82 PTS) - X

Philadelphia currently sits 5th overall in the standings, and it looks like based on trends, they'll hold onto the 5th seed and play Houston in the first round. With the help from John Jameson (40-49-89), Philadelphia could play spoils and make a deep playoff run. Similar to Houston, we should wait until the final games of the season, which includes the Bulls and Reapers matchup to make a determination on who to favor in a playoff series.


Halifax 21st (28-21-5, 61 PTS) - X

Since last week, Halifax finally clinched a spot in the Founder's Cup Playoffs. The 21st could possibly be a scary team, considering they boast the #2 scorer in the league in Jeffery Bezos (44-56-100). The problem is that they'll potentially play Mexico City in the first round, which could boast a problem for a middle-of-the-pack team. The good news is that they are currently 3-2 against the Bulls and play them two more times to finish the regular season. I think this could spoil a potential MC playoff run.


Ottawa Lynx (21-39-7, 49 PTS) - X

Ottawa is currently the last team to clinch a Founder's Cup Playoffs spot, and are currently sitting in the #7 spot. I don't expect this team to make much noise, as I currently have them losing in the First Round to Mississauga, however I would love to see a surprise upset and an underdog emerge. They unfortunately went 2-8 against the Hounds this season, but it shows that they can still muster a win or two. The only problem Ottawa has right now is that they haven't officially clinched the #7 spot just yet. If Saskatoon can outpace them and claim the spot, then Ottawa would have to play Las Vegas, where the Lynx went 1-5 against the Aces. It's not a good chance to escape the First Round, but there's still a shot.


Saskatoon Wild (22-42-2, 46 PTS) - 95%

This is where the bubble begins, as the 8th seed has yet to be clinched. Saskatoon currently holds that spot with a 10 point lead over San Diego in the standings. While Saskatoon will have to fight to gain that last spot, it will only be a battle rather than a war, as the Wild only need to win a game and need the Marlins to lose one (SD does play LV for one of those, I think it'll be a loss for sure). I think it's very possible, since Saskatoon will play Ottawa twice before the season ends. The bigger problem should be who they play in the First Round between #1 Las Vegas and #2 Mississauga.


San Diego Marlins (16-46-4, 36 PTS) - 5%

Sorry San Diego, but I don't give you a great chance to make the playoffs. When you still have to face Las Vegas and Mexico City for the remaining games and need to avoid losing a single one to keep your playoff chances alive, it deserves a low percentage. Like I said under Saskatoon, they just need the Marlins to lose one game to make it a lot easier, and two to secure the spot all together. I think it'll be time to look at the offseason if you're a part of the San Diego franchise. 


Miami Marauders (12-51-4, 28 PTS) - E

I saw this coming. Miami, who I gave an 8% chance last week to make the playoffs, have officially been eliminated from contending for a spot. They will have to endure a long offseason, hopefully re-evaluating and making key draft choices to secure their success next season. Not to mention, I was scrolling through the Miami trades this season and saw they traded their AGM (why?). It just goes to show how the Marauders are desperate to rebuild.


Throw your shade. Playoffs post comes next week. May the best team win.

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4 hours ago, jacobcarson877 said:

here before San Diego makes (or doesn't make) the playoffs

I would be ok with being horribly wrong and they do. It makes it fun.

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