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  • Tough loss again for Moscow. It was quite interesting seeing the run this season. We lost Idaho, and yet had an incredible season, and looked pretty strong in the post-season. Lost out to a great team, and there's no shame in that. It's easy to make excuses and rage about the sim, but it is what it is - was a fun year, and the best part is for the most part we get to run it back again.
  • Markinson is in his final year. It has been really fun to watch him progress. He's been statistically really good, and has had a lot of great playoff runs. One of my favorite players I've had. Kinda cool to see him break the Defenseman Playoff Point Record.. Always nice to see your player make history. I'm still keen on taking a couple seasons off though, think I'm feeling the burn recently.
  • My daughter (who's 8 yrs) was reading bullets this weekend and was referring to them as "space dots".. fun fact.
  • Kinda interested in the shakeup in the league coming in the next off-season. Looks like there's some GM spots open, and VHLM Commish. Hoping we can see some new things come down the pipeline.
  • Been playing more golf than ever before.. Last year I broke 100 score, and on Friday I hit my best score with a 93. Really think I'm on the verge of breaking 90.... 👀
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